Beaver Colony Autumn Update

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Beaver Colony Autumn Update

20 September 2019

 Kingfisher Beaver Scout Colony Autumn 2019
We have had a very busy year which if you ask any Kingfisher Beaver leader would probably be an understatement – a common phrase when we all arrive at the hall is – ‘ HOW EVER are we going to fit this programme into an hour and a half’ LOL 😊
So what have we been up to – here are some examples :-
Enjoyed a science workshop with the Cubs and Scouts
Went to the Panto with the whole group
Hiked around Hythe spotting all the information signs – you would be amazed how many we found and recorded
Visited Waitrose for a Healthy Eating Evening
Enjoyed a fabulous evening joining the residents at Tynwald Residential Home for their music session.
Went to the District Beaver Scouts Experiment Day and also attended another District event at Kearsney Abbey.
Learnt Circus Skills
Had a BRILLIANT Pirates themed sleepover which included a trip to Samphire Hoe rock pooling.
Went on a Pirates Hike
Loved learning about the American Independence Day
We have lots more exciting adventures planned so if you would like to join in the fun and learn Skills For Life then please get in touch.

Debby – Beaver Scout Leader Kingfisher Colony
PS The Beaver have earnt 140 badges this year – WOW !!!!!