Beaver Colony Spring Update

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Beaver Colony Spring Update

2 April 2020

Kingfisher Beaver Scouts Spring 2020

At the moment we are taking part in online Scouting so each week the Beavers are set a challenge or a badge to complete – please see below some photos of the great Builders badge constructions. One of our Beaver Scouts was sooooo disappointed that we could not have our planned Afternoon Tea for invited parents and a couple of special guests that he held his own Afternoon Tea at home – warning when you look at these photos they will make you very hungry 😊

So what fun things had we been doing in the colony until CV19 interrupted our programme:- we had been really creative making models of UK endangered animals out of recycled materials and using string only to hold things together, we learnt about the Chinese New Year, made bird feeders using Cheerios and trying very hard not to eat them 😊, we designed football kits made football finger puppets and had a game of table football, we had a great time doing different exercises then taking our pulses whilst learning how to keep our hearts healthy, we learnt all about the Beaver animal – did you know that their teeth are orange ?, we had a Fairtrade Bake Off evening cooking Flap Jacks from Fairtrade ingredients and even more fun eating them and a week before we had to close Burton Hall doors we had an AMAZING evening at the Hythe Fire station where we learnt about getting our families out of a house fire safely, we looked over the fire engine and also we had a go with the water hose.

If you would like to join our Colony once normal service has resumed then please contact us via the website


Kingfisher Beaver Leaders – Grey Owl, Eagle , Robin and Raven