Happy New Year!
As the busy new term gets underway, please have a read of our GSL's January Update:
"The start of a new year gives us a good opportunity to not only look back over the past few months but a great opportunity to look forward to the next 12months.
Scouting, like its young members, is forever developing, always seeking new ideas and activities and ways of learning new skills. As the UK Scout Movement rolls out its skills for life programme, we, in the 1st Hythe group will work with our sections to help them find exciting ways to explore and grow in their skills and imagination. As well as each having an action-packed programme each section, Beavers, Cubs, Scouts and Explorers get involved in supporting other community groups and projects.
Did you know that the 1st Hythe support a Play and stay group which meet every Thursday and Friday morning in Burton Hall?
That the 1st Hythe are the main supporters of funding for the two community minibuses? That our cub pack has entered into a partnership with Age Uk and works alongside some of the residents of Tynwald residential care home?
2019 will see us carry out further work to our HQ to provide a better facility for ourselves and the wider daytime community groups. Developing our Redbanks campsite for camping and conservation, giving our young people every available opportunity to be out in the open air, having fun and exploring new environmentally friendly projects.
During 2018 we gained 6 new leaders. And 4 young leaders. But we still can use more. Not necessarily on a weekly basis, but to help with badge work, visits and outings. Parents have been job-sharing in helping out on a Rota in both beavers and cubs, so come on mums and dads don’t get left out. It really is great fun! Ask your section leader for more information. If you have an hour or so to spare once a month on a Thursday or Friday morning to make tea and coffee for the play and stay group you would be most welcome. Just contact me and I will point you in the right direction.
For all the section specific news visit:
www.1sthythescouts.org.uk ... See more
We provide fun, challenge and adventure to all ages in Hythe, Kent.